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Meet Your Advisory Panel: Karen Massey

Meet Karen Massey, advisory panel member, two time Chelsea medallist and owner of Fleurtatious florist in Dublin. Karen has an impressive floral range covering everything from beautiful bouquets that are the backbone of the retail industry to her delicate, tropical creations for world-renowned floristry competitions.

Why did you decide to join the Good Florist Guide’s advisory panel?

To give back to the industry. Change doesn’t happen on its own and if we want the industry to change WE need to do something about it.

What do you think you bring to the panel?

A very honest opinion! That and any help I can give. I don’t see every other shop as my competition and I don’t think everybody else should either, so I am more than happy to help others in any way I can.

Best business decision?

Opening my own shop, but my god is it hard!

Worst business decision?

There’s nothing really, I’ve been lucky I guess.

If you weren’t a florist, what would you like to do?

Honestly, I can’t imagine doing anything else but it would have to be something that I get to interact with lots of people, I could never work in an office stuck behind a desk all day.

Your perfect day?

A nice Sunday off spending the day with my family and husband, a little bit of sunshine wouldn’t go a miss.

Greatest indulgence?

Chocolate!! Love it!! I could actually live on it.

What’s your biggest pet hate?

Rude people, manners costs nothing.

What do you find most difficult?

Doing it on my own, sometimes I think to myself I would love a business partner but then finding the right fit isn’t easy.

Is the customer always right?

No, but they don’t need to know that!

Best piece of advice to someone starting out in the industry?

Get as much experience in every different aspect of the job as possible, work in all different types of shops.

You’re stranded on a desert island, only one flower grows there, which would you choose?

One flower, impossible! But given that its a desert island I’m thinking tropical probably hanging heliconia.

And finally, the plug…

I’m the owner of Fleurtatious florist in Leopardstown, Dublin. We have a great reputation for our unusual designs, high quality stock and excellent, friendly customer service. Making our customers happy is our biggest priority and we have a wide variety with something for every budget. Apart from chocolate, floristry is my absolute passion and I’ve been lucky enough to compete twice and win two medals at the Chelsea Flower Show.


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